Sunday, 18 March 2012

Which Phone?

Xperia S 

So, it's getting very near the time my old phone contract dies. For those who know me, my phone has been the brunt of many jokes since I bought it almost a full two years ago and I'm tired of never having cool games to play with.

This is my first foray into smartphone ownership and it's been a little tricky to choose what I'd like. First off, I dislike Apple a lot, I find them ugly and annoying, and I don't trust Windows phones enough. I'll be getting an Android one certainly.

There's such a variety of phones to choose from, and I'm thinking of heading towards the upper end of the market (partly to silence my critics). So far, the phone that appeals most is the new Sony Xperia S, or perhaps the Galaxy Nexus. Both seem to really pack the power, with the Xperia being slightly faster and having a better screen, but not upgrading to Ice Cream Sandwich until June.

If anyone has any advice, please leave a comment as I'm getting itchy buyers finger.

Monday, 12 March 2012

The new iPad = iPad 3

First things first, I agree with one article I read that states we should just call the 'new iPad' the iPad 3. If everyone does it then it'll all make sense.

So, the iPad 3, a brief rundown:

  • Retina display (HD for us commoners) 
  • A5 processor
  • Slightly heavier and thicker
  • ios 5
  • Voice assistant (note: not Siri)
That's pretty much it..nothing overly exiting to be honest with you. Fair enough it will be faster and look better, but functionality hasn't really changed. Also the addition of a voice assistant instead of Siri suggests that Siri wasn't as successful as hoped! Plus the fact that the device is actually thicker and heavier, not a good sign considering my Samsung Tab feels a bit weighty after holding it for a while and that's lighter than the iPad 2!

To be fair to Apple though, there hasn't really been anything groundbreaking coming from the Android side of things either, although after having a play with the new Asus Transformer, I am convinced that this is quite possibly better than the iPad 3, especially for a power user. At least the price is the same as the previous rendition. 

Friday, 9 March 2012

App of the week

After booking a cheeky holiday this week, I received a massive email from my travel provider with all the details under the sun that are needed from flight times, codes, reservation numbers, passengers, hotel details, hotel reservations, check in times..the list goes on!

Tripit is a simple service for ios, android, blackberry and WP7 that organises your trip for you. Simply forward that annoying email onto Tripit and it picks out the important bits for you and displays in an easy to interpret layout as illustrated below. To be honest I never thought I'd have much use for one of these, but it really is quite handy having everything in one place and not having to fish out different  reservation codes and details from one complicated email! It's a free app so why not give it a shot?

Friday, 2 March 2012

One click at a time

...well we just rolled over 1000 views to our little Blog here.

...thanks for the odd visit you might have made.

...make sure you keep coming back for the odd bit of wisdom from the guys here at Tech17.